John F. Cook Lodge No. 10
Re-discover Your Self Worth For Betterment
Friendship, Morality, & Brotherly Love
Serve The Community, Be The Best Version of Yourself
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Welcome to John F.Cook Lodge No.10
John F. Cook Lodge No.10 is a fraternal organization which is comprised of highly motivated Men of good character working to bring out the best in themselves. We obligate ourselves to help each other and strive to become good humans and citizens. It is a Masonic lodge that demonstrates friendship, morality, and brotherly love for every member (Mason).
The word “lodge” has been derived from the buildings, the stonemasons constructed beside the cathedrals. In the winter season, the stonemasons used to live in these lodges. However, when it comes to the modern Masonic lodge, it is more than just a building; It’s an active fraternal organization that encourages its members to realize their self-importance and serve the community to the best of their abilities while remaining highly motivated and connected to help other aspiring people who want to join the cause of Freemasonry. A Masonic lodge is a manifestation of morality, humility, love, and charity to help other members in need – anytime, anywhere. Although the exterior of a Masonic lodge may look like an ordinary building, the interior with its ancient relics, art, and rituals is what separates Freemasonry. When Masons assemble in the Lodge, it’s an endorsement of our Masonic morals of brotherly love, relief, and truth. One of the unique aspects of a Masonic Lodge is that it offers a platform for men with different backgrounds to come together and work for the betterment of society. To become a Mason, an individual must carry a noble character, have strong faith in a God, and aspire to do good deeds, which also serves as the binding force for Freemasons, i.e., being the best possible versions of themselves. This strong brotherly bond serves as a common ground for each member to usher in a sense of trust, cooperation, and loyalty.
Check Out What's Happening In Our Lodge
John F. Cook Lodge No.10 is a fraternal organization that offers noble men the opportunity to exhibit their love and humility for their fellow members. It is an ancient fraternal organization that strives to continue its remarkable tradition of serving humanity and making good men, better.
2nd Degree Rehearsal
2050 West VA Ave NE Washington DC
2050 West VA Ave NE Washington DC
2nd Degree Rehearsal
2050 West VA Ave NE Washington DC
2050 West VA Ave NE Washington DC
2nd Degree Rehearsal
2050 West VA Ave NE Washington DC
2050 West VA Ave NE Washington DC
2nd Degree Rehearsal
2050 West VA Ave NE Washington DC
2050 West VA Ave NE Washington DC
2nd Degree Rehearsal
2050 West VA Ave NE Washington DC
2050 West VA Ave NE Washington DC
On Thursday, January 19, 2023, the Brethren of John F. Cook Lodge No. 10 visited Arlington Lodge No. 58 in the Jurisdiction of Virginia. Seated 3rd from the left is Worshipful Master Moore of John F. Cook Lodge No. 10.
Freemasonry is a fraternal organization that strives to promote peace, love, and humility amongst its members across the United States and beyond, through making significant contributions to charity and making Good Men Better! Being one of the most ancient organizations, we take pride in helping our members understand the importance of living a balanced existence.Employing ritualistic ceremonies and symbolic teachings, Freemasonry strives to help people rediscover their self-worth and be the best version of themselves. We assist those aspiring to become Masons to become socially responsible individuals, realize their potential, and become better and upright Men in their communities. Â We provide a comprehensive blueprint for leading a virtuous life in a modern world but also promote peace, brotherly love, and truth.Each year men from all across the United States join Freemasonry to take its mission forward and become responsible men who value character, obligation, self-worth, and charity.